Where in the World is Andy Right Now?

“The title’s a bit misleading, perhaps.”

Hello! Let’s play another round of that game where I tell you that I’m out of town, and then you (presumably, I don’t control your decisions) try to guess and figure out where the hell I am at this given moment in time. See, though, this game only works for the week of July 26th, since this is a static webpage and not some sort of app that tracks my movements. Which, that would be kind of creepy if it was. I mean, why would I use something like that?

At any rate, see if you can guess where I am based on these pictures. I didn’t take these pictures and at the time of me writing this (which is actually about four days before it’s posting, since time doesn’t actually matter, and you’re reading this after I wrote it but I’m talking to you as if I’m actually there…. Wait, when are you?), I cannot actually confirm or deny that these photos were actually taken where I’m at. So let’s just all do our bests, I guess? That’s about all I can say for what I’m doing at any given time.

Here are your hint photos!

Oh, I think I know this one, hang on…
This reminds me a little bit of my new favorite “wordle” variation game. Or at least one of the two of them.
Ah, I got it now! I’m going to Graceland! Graceland. Memphis, Tennessee. (I’m going to Graceland.)

Ready for the answer? I am, on this day of our world July 26th, 2022 of the Gregorian calendar, I am (probably? barring any sort of disruptions) in Glacier National Park, Montana! Turns out this isn’t much of a game, because you really didn’t have to guess or do any digging or legwork or anything to get the answer to the riddle, and it’s not like I went out of my way all that much to hide things, so… Hurray? You win! We’ll just go with that, I suppose.

Yup, I’m out of state, out of sight, and out of mind for this week. And as you probably could have guessed by now, that means that next week will be a post with pictures and some sort of funny commentary about my trip! This, in and of itself, is now part of the game, trying to guess what my next post will be. But even if you get the next one, I promise you’ll never get the next next one.

See you NEXT time!

Eh, once you’ve seen one mountain, you’ve seen them all, really.

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