DOOM Eternal (2020): A Very Short Review

“Knee Deep in the Doot

I didn’t know what to write about for today. I don’t feel like I have the energy today to write a full new piece, but I didn’t want to just shove out another chapter of Spectral Crown so close after the last one. So I thought about what games I’ve been playing recently, what things I’ve been reading, and what I’ve been watching, and I decided would try something new; write a short piece for once. Instead of taking up a ton of space to say not very much at all, I decided to try being pithy, being succinct, being concise. Everything that this paragraph is not. So let’s get to it.

Oh, also, if you’re reading this within a week of its publication and you live in the United States, remember to VOTE. VOTE VOTE VOTE. Please. I don’t care who you vote for. Actually, I do, but I’ll judge you harder if you choose not to vote than if you do. With some exceptions; voter suppression is still a thing, so I’ll be a little more lenient if you didn’t vote because the nearest polling place was several towns away, you don’t have a car, and you couldn’t get the day off of work. But if you can vote, whether it’s by mail, voting early, or on election day next week, VOTE. I’d personally like to have Trump voted out of office as I think he’s a disgrace to politics, science, and morality on top of being a garbage human, but even if you vote for him, at least you voted. If you don’t usually vote, now is the time. Vote. Please.

And now, back to our regularly scheduled programs. Here’s a short review of DOOM: Eternal (including the first DLC!).

As per usual, it keeps up with the tradition of looking like a metal album cover.

Is gud gaem wuld recomend

That’s my review. See, I was gonna say more but I had a mental breakdown and realized that I am, overall, unhappy and unfulfilled in my life and I’m not sure if I’ll ever be really happy, and I suspect this stems from my OCD and depression and that my doubts and worries won’t ever really go away, no matter how much love or support I receive. I figure it must be biological since I really have nothing in my life to complain about. Everything’s going my way and I still want to sink to the bottom of a lake some of the time. But I’ll keep searching for a way to live that makes me truly happy. That’s really the only think I can do. That’s the only thing any of us can do.

Why is this a Halloween post? Because demons are spooky and also existence is the scariest thing of all. Boo.

(In actuality, I do really like DOOM: Eternal. It’s a lot more varied than the 2016 DOOM, both gameplay-wise and in terms of color palette and level selection, and the DLC continues this trend. The story and animations are stupid and over-the-top in the same way that an 80’s cartoon is stupid and over-the-top, but I still enjoy it. It really isn’t violence for violence’s sake, it’s more slapstick comedy. The gunplay is the best part, and getting really good at it is very satisfying. I play on Ultra-Violence, which is like above-average difficulty, but I die a lot. I’m honestly not very good at it, but I still enjoy the game. And I could also turn down the difficulty if I wanted. I really, really like this game. For sparse, temporary moments, it does make me happy. A lot of things make me happy for sparse, temporary moments, though, like my brother or my parents or my girlfriend. This game just also happens to be one of the minor ones.)

Honestly if I didn’t play video games I would probably guess this is an album cover.

1 thought on “DOOM Eternal (2020): A Very Short Review”

  1. I voted by mail a week ago. Hope the USPS doesn’t screw it up.
    Life is a bowl of cherries if you don’t mind the pits.

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