Fancy Photography, and Other Classes I'm In

“I’m a VSCO girl now.”

Well, I was going to write another post about a video game that I play, or I was going to write a post about the new Star Wars movie, or I was going to write a post about Greta Thunberg, but I ended up not having time or motivation for any of them this week. They’re all in the works, but instead of rush one of them (or instead of just skipping a week), I decided I’d post a little bit about the classes I’m taking at university. But mostly I decided to post some cool photos I had to take for class.

I’ve taken quite a few classes over the years, ranging from Intro to Funeral Practices to Read this Scientific Journal Article and Then Analyze It In a 25-Minute Presentation, And That’s the Whole Class. Some of them are fun, some of them actually teach me something useful, and sometimes, they’re both. I’ve talked once before about the GIS class that I took, which was one of those rare classes that was both fun and actually educational. But I haven’t talked about the class where I used python scripting to model fish populations in Lake Michigan, which is probably the single class I’ve learned the most in, ever. It was also way cooler than I thought it would be.

Here’s a picture I took of a non-fish object. It’ll make more sense later.

I could talk about classes I’ve taken for several posts, but today I just want to talk about the classes I’m in right now. Or, rather, one specific class; Multimedia Environmental Communications. It’s a class about finding ways to transmit data about the world around us through text, visuals, sound, and more. One of the assignments for the class is to keep a blog. I’ve already got that down to a science, as you can see from the bizarre tangents I get into every week. Needless to say, I think I’m going to enjoy the class.

One of the most recent assignments involved take a bunch of pictures around the campus that demonstrate certain elements of photography, or have certain themes in their subjects. We then had to post them to a class page and also submit them to a photograph contest, but I think it would also be fun to showcase some of them here. I think they’re either pretty good photos, or they’re kind of funny, or maybe a mix of the two. Some of them I’ll be using in class this semester, but some I will not use. Perhaps for obvious reasons. But here they are, and you can probably figure out which ones I’ll use and not use. Though there are some surprises, I guess.

Oh, I’m also in another GIS class this semester, which should be fun. I’m in a Shakespeare class, too, which is actually way more interesting than it sounds on paper, and a class on reading as a writer, which is exactly about as much fun as it sounds on paper. And, finally, I’m in a class about the history of computers and data science in the modern age, which is pretty neat. I hope at some point we talk about the Deep Web, but we’ll see if we do or not. It’s an okay class so far.

But, anyway, without further ado and without further words since I need to sleep, here are some photos that I wish to share. I hope you enjoy watching this blog become not just a showcase for shitty amateur writing but also for shitty amateur photography. Here we go.

It’s supposed to be an emphasis on points, but it’s also a picture of Pennywise the Dancing Clown.
There are a lot of squirrels on campus at the U of I. My brother pet one the other day.
I like this photo because it’s like you fell over. Which, coincidentally, is how I generally spend my Friday nights.
Not every photo I take is of scenery. Sometimes they’re photos of this guy.
This reminds me of some sort of robot or monster or something, but really, it’s just a library.
“One does not simply walk into Mordor.”
This is a picture I took of my girlfriend. It’s not a good picture but at least the subject is pretty.
This looks kind of like one of those stock photos that I love to include in my regular posts. Huh, maybe I should start making my own stock photos?
I like how they had to underline “Zen” twice.
Sometimes I wish this hallway went on forever.
My professor tells me that you can get photos like this on your phone camera, but I don’t think I can make my iPhone look at leaves this sharp.
Here’s another of my friends. I can’t believe how centered this photo was. Maybe the soap helped.
This one looked kind of spooky. Also, this isn’t all the photos I took, or even all the good ones, but a select few. I’ll have to take more at some point.
This is another squirrel. Actually, it’s the same squirrel as above.
I called this one “On the Rocks” when I submitted it to that photo contest, but didn’t realize until afterwards that “On the Rocks” is also an alcohol thing.
I submitted this one as a “Humor” photo. Clearly this is comedy gold.
Only after I submitted this photo did I realize I should have named it “King Corn.”
I can’t even think of a good caption for this one, but there’s a meme in there. I can feel it. Also, that’s the last photo. Thanks for checking them out.

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