“Try to see your future from the line.” Once more, if you’re a family member or a friend of mine…
“Climate: Our Changing World now sold wherever books are sold, and probably other places, too.” <<<<A Note>>>> Hello! My name…
<<<<A Note>>>> Hello! My name is Andy Sima. If you are a parent, teacher, librarian, naturalist, public educator, or anyone…
“The third (count ’em!) science story to catch my attention in recent months!” Fair warning: this is a lengthy post.…
“Or, Two Environmental Science Stories that Caught My Attention” The time is almost upon us. The day of reckoning is…
“HAH chilling out! I GET IT! *wheezes and cries*” You knew this one would be coming, right? I mean, between…
“This time I’m speaking specifically to you, mister.” First things first: this is not a hit piece or a parody,…
“There’s Only Room for Doom and Gloom” There was a moment, about a week ago or so, where I was…
“Ah shit, here we go again” So. The United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (or the UN IPCC) released…
“It has nothing to do with drawing.” I talk a lot about environmental science. I mentioned it last week. I…