“Postscripts that felt a little too extraneous to include in the full blogs.” Huh, this is unusual (sort of). An…
“You too can be president of the United States.” Okay, welcome back. Hopefully you’ve had a break now, or at…
“Try to see your future from the line.” Once more, if you’re a family member or a friend of mine…
“Truth is, game was rigged from the start.” Before we get started, I want to say what is maybe the…
“And a Big Stupid Swedish Boat (Also Made Out of Wood)” Editor’s Note: So, this is a weird one, because,…
“This post’s title will be executed for high treason against comedy.” Amirite or amirite lads? You are right, lad. Boy,…
“Well, one of the Motherlands, anyway. Fatherland?” I hope you didn’t forget about my big trip to Big Europe, because…
“Now Coming in Weekly Installments” Hey, remember when I went to Europe? No, not that time. Or this time. The…
“A preview of what I’ve been doing instead of writing the blog.” Alright, let me get this out of the…
“And You Can Still Buy It Online!” Yeah, I’m late again (well, sort of; this was supposed to be last…